AgBiz - 2022
The National Agribusiness Council (NAC) is the apex chamber representing all sectors within the Agri supply chain in the country. Founded two decades ago, NAC is dedicated to strengthening the Sri Lankan agribusiness value chain while connecting the vast rural small farmer community with national & international markets. NAC will promote competitiveness through continues dialogue with State and international agencies promoting the comparative nature of Sri Lankan Agribusines.
Initiated under USAID sponsored AgEnt project, the NAC was formed and registered in 2000 as a Public Trust to strengthen, facilitate the growth, and enhance competitiveness of Sri Lanka’s agribusiness. The organization was also designed to promote and introduce new technologies to the sub sectors and develop the potential to export the countries products.
While promoting activity which will assure food security in Sri Lanka the organization will design & host programs which will highlight and build a competitive national brand creating a strong platform for local companies to add value and export to quality markets around the world. In keeping with the consensus of the 2021 Food summit NAC will champion a “food systems” approach encompassing and promoting the UN’s development goals joining in with the national effort of poverty elevation.
The National Agribusiness Council consists of Associations in different sub sectors representing SME’s and large corporates, individual large corporates, national farmer organizations, cooperatives, and all other private trade & commodity groupings within the value chain. The organization will play an important role by initiating dialogue with the government in the hope of influencing policies that are market friendly and will assist this sector to grow and contribute to the national economy.
In the present NAC has a vital role to play in rebuilding the disrupted value chains by inconsistent policy and the shortage of foreign exchange stifling the imports of inputs which is threatening the nation’s food security in the short and medium term. The organization will immediately open a dialogue and set up expert committees that will recommend strategies and support the government to avert the impending national food security crisis .
On the long term the organization will prepare its resources to meet the need of private agribusiness through negotiating multilateral agencies for affordable finance , preferential access to developed Markets and setting up quality tushery education and training in the sector . By this it is hoped that the sector will transform into a more environmentally focused industry and create a better social impact in rural Sri Lanka . It is hoped that Sri Lankan food brands would also attract premium prices as world class products , bringing back value to rural regions of the country .
The National Agribusiness Council (NAC) is the apex chamber representing all sectors within the Agri supply chain in the country. Founded two decades ago, NAC is dedicated to strengthening the Sri Lankan agribusiness value chain while connecting the vast rural small farmer community with national & international markets. NAC will promote competitiveness through continues dialogue with State and international agencies promoting the comparative nature of Sri Lankan Agribusines .
Activities set out for the short term to meet the NAC’S Objectives
- Reorganizing the sub sector organizations and revitalizing them through a comprehensive membership drive .
- Initiating a consistent and comprehensive dialogue with the political establishment and state agencies .
- Setting up of expert panels to strategies ,Plan and execute and effective action plan to avoid a food security crisis and reduce dependency on imports on the long term .
- Work towards creating a sector focused fund to provide affordable capital to modernize national Agribusiness .
- Facilitate and Promote productivity and cost reduction through the of use of alternate energy and new introduction of latest technologies .
All in all we are hoping the 2022 will be an important millstone in the countries resent history with the National agribusiness council playing an important role.